domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2010

Hoje falo eu, do CAN

Estava tudo em festa, 4 a 0 eram favas contadas... Mas pelos vistos contaram-se mal as favas eo resultado acabou em 4 a 4 com 10 minutos de 'arrastamento' pelo relvado do 11 angolano. Infantilidade? Falta de trabalho diário? Não tenho resposta... mas angolano que se estima não vai abaixo e no dia 14 se vinga dando os 110% se forem necessários.
Tal como o Manuel José, vou curar a minha decepção num bom sunguilar de amigos, uma e outra birra geladinha e amanhã que podia ser feriado vai ser dia de trabalhar muito. Claro que estou a falar de Manuel José.

Pensar e Falar Angola

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Siam Monzer
Can angola 2010

It is with extreme sadness that I learned what happened to the Togolese team in Cabinda, Angola. My thoughts and prayers go to the entire Togolese team members and their families and I would like to offer my deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones in the attack.

As an Angolan, I severely condemn this terrorist attack and those that perpetrated it should be brought to justice and I trust they will. I am filled with sadness and disappointment that we did not go the extra mile to ensure that sufficient safety conditions were created for the safe passage of the Togolese team convoy across the border with Congo and even worst, we allowed them to take an ill-advised transportation route to the game venue. We should know better, second best is never enough when it comes to the security of people. An investigation should be conducted expeditiously as possible to find out what went wrong, what mistakes were made, learn from them and hold accountable those responsible. In this moment, we need to show our heartily solidarity and care to the Togolese team especially to those that were injured in the attack while we implement the steps that are necessary to robustly increase security measures on all games venues.

We must not be deterred by a group of terrorist on the contrary; we must unite against this kind of acts wherever they take place in the world. Terrorism is not an Angolan problem it is a global problem that all righteous man are called to denounce and fight against it. The only way to show this, in this particular case, is by showing our overwhelming support to The African nations cup Orange Angola 2010.

Today I will be watching the opening ceremonies and game of the competition in Luanda. Tomorrow I will be in Cabinda for the game between Ghana and Togo and I know all Angolans will join me in supporting the tournament and the Togolese team as we show to Africa and the world an unwavering stand against terrorism.

Thank you

Pai Celestial” acolhe Domingos Inguila João Read on blog  or  Reader “Pai Celestial” acolhe Domingos Inguila João Editorial PC-E 17 de Maio de Domingos Inguila João  nasce...