domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

Pelicula Cubana Kangamba |

Do site Kangamba is the film of the siege of Cangamba, which took place in Angola between the 2nd and 12th August 1983. The battle has become something of legend in Cuba, because the battle saw a FAPLA (Angolan government forces) brigade together with about 90 Cuban advisers resisting a full scale assault by South African and Unita forces. The film was Cuba’s biggest budget film in many years and was very popular. Watch it here in Spanish.

In the book of the same battle one of the participants, sub-lieutenant Grandia, writes “It is important that it [the story of the battle] be spread, I think that for the history of the armed forces it is very important because it is an example of stoicism, of something that has been shown ever since the mambises: that the Cuban soldier is capable of confronting any situation, to give an example of resistane, of stoicism. It was a demonstration of what the war of all the people would be, of the importance of digging in, of personal training, that each person be capable of fulfilling their mission to the full."

For anyone interested in reading more about Cuba’s involvement in Africa I’d recommend Piero Gleijeses’ “Conflicting Missions" and Vladimir Shubin’s “The Hot Cold War".

Pensar e Falar Angola

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